FBHF- REC2QES Program This program will convert an Epi Info (.REC) file to a suitable questionnaire (.QES) which can then be edited. Context sensitive help is provided for the following topics: C Input Output OK Button Cancel Button Press to put this help screen away. Input File Select the input (.REC) file to be converted. Enter the name of an existing file, or enter an ambiguous filename (wild card, blank, path) to select the File Dialog Output file Enter the name of the output file to be created. A new file will be created. If the file exists, you will be given an opportunity to cancel the operation, or overwrite the file. OK Button When all options are entered, select the OK button with the mouse or key and press the or . This button may be pressed in any context with the key combination. Cancel Button To abandon program, select Cancel with the mouse or press . File Dialog Box Select the file to be converted. The file you select must exist. This dialog box contains a list of files in the current directory. You may select a file to convert using any of the following methods: Type the name of the file with its extension into the Name input line. Click on the Open button or press to open the file. W Type the name of a file with global file name (wild card) characters into the Name input line. A list of files matching this specification appears in the Files list box below. Using the and arrow keys highlight a file name in the list box or select one with the mouse and click on the Open button or press to open the file. You can see the contents of other disk directories by selecting the directory entries in the Files list box. Directory entries are those entries ending with the backslash character (\). To see the contents of another disk drive, type in the complete file specification with drive specifier and wild cards and click on the Open button or press . You can then select a file name from the Files list box as described above. z The input line contains a history list of previously entered file specifications. Press the down arrow or click on the arrow box to the right of the input line to view this list. Use the arrow keys or the mouse to highlight a specification and press to move this specification into the input line. You can then proceed to select a filename as described above. note that in all cases, double clicking with a mouse on a filename or file specification is the same as pressing or selecting OK with the mouse. You can view the directory information of the selected file in the panel at the bottom of the dialog box. h To exit the dialog box without opening the Epi Info file, press or click on the Cancel button